Hello Forum,
Need guidance on whether and how to proceed to build logic for below use cases:
Macros (Code reading)
Requirement is to read module files in macros for a given file. Traverse through all lines of code to identify if keywords such as On Error Resume Next, Option Explicit, STOP, etc., are used any where or not. This is to be done for all code files in all macros. -
Hidden Objects
Identify if there are any Hidden
a. Columns & Rows in all sheets.
b. Sheet in excel workbook. -
Blank Cell reference
Identify cells referenced in formulas are blank if any. -
Inconsistent Formulas
Identify inconsistent formulas in a given range
Objective would to identify above scenarios and record there cell addresses.
How this can be implemented with UiPath using excel activities or anything else?
Please note, VBA is not an option for now.