How to build data table from excel as it is automatic in uipath?

How to build data table from excel file as it is automatic without doing anything manually in UiPath ?

@Bh_P : I think you can use Read range Workbook Activity for the same.

Hi @Bh_P ,

Simply use the Read Range Activity provide the sheet name and Range from where you want to read the data.


Store it in a Datatable variable.

Or Else, do you just want to get the structure of Datatable with no rows in it, then use **


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Hi @Bh_P

Use “Read range Workbook” Activity/Use Excel Process Scope->Use Excel File->Read Range activities to store the whole excel in a Datatable.

Hope this helps!!



You can use this approach-

Use the “Excel Application Scope” activity to specify the Excel file you want to read. Within the scope, use the “Read Range” activity to read the data from the Excel file. Create a new data table using the “Build Data Table” activity. Define the columns based on the structure of your Excel data.Use a “For Each Row” activity to loop through each row in the read data table.Within the loop, use the “Add Data Row” activity to add the data from each row to the new data table you created.After the loop, you will have a data table that contains the data from the Excel file.
