How to apply filter to pivot table?

Want to apply filters on a pivot table but not getting any related activity in Studio.


This is the activity

If you arenot able to see can you go to activities , then filter icon…then click on show modern…


Still unable to see.



Can you please update ypur activities feom
Manage packages


HI @vidyasak

Go to Activities panel and click on filter icon → Click on Show Modern


Refer this video , In that they have used Studio X , you should use same way as for Studio

Image reference


No luck. Its available in SudioX but not in Studio profile.


Whatever is available in studio x everything is available in studio…

We are able to see it…
Can you confirm you excel package versions


Have done this and tried? @vidyasak

Did you turn off the “Modern Design Experience” in project settings before looking for “Show modern” option.

Got it. Thanks :slight_smile:

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