How to add new row in Excel file start at column "D"?

My job is get data from Excel1 to append in Excel2 start at column D.
Step of my job

  1. Excel Scope open Excel1
    2.Read Range data from sheet to ->DT1
    3.Excel Scope open Excel2

For the next I should use write range or append range???
Please suggestion.

Thank in advance

Hi @Supakinee_Navawong_na_ayu
you can use write range with start range as D1

Nived N
Happy Automation

Excel2 has old data.
I need to add from DT1 as the new row.
write range with start range as D1 all of old data will be replace?

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If you dont want to replace data that is already present in sheet. then you can happily use Append Range activity.


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Append Range can defalut start at column D ?

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Nope, you can do it in different way like below,

Read second excel that you have, you get datatable like dt2
Take write range activity, ā€œDā€+(dt2.rows.count+1).tostring in range property
provide your dt1 to this activity.


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Hi @Supakinee_Navawong_na_ayu ,

Have you tried the append range?


it will start from ā€œD1ā€,will not replace all of old data.

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Thank you for you suggestion.

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