How to add different mail id's for sending alert mails in orchestrator

I want to add external mail id’s to trigger the mail if bot throws error in send alert settings so how can i add multiple mail id’s in send email alert settings to receive the mails if process gets failed

HI @Sagar_Prakash_Choudhari

Check the below thread:


Inside settings i have created the email setup but i don’t know how to add diff mail id’s there so that fatal or error mails gets trigger to that particular id’s. so is there any solution to add recipients to that alert settings?

Hi @Sagar_Prakash_Choudhari

In CC you can pass “;


No, This is for send mail activities. I want to add it to the orchestrator send alert email settings. Can we add recipients there?


There is no specific option add custom list of email id’s to add.

All accounts that have an email address configured in the Manage Access page and and View permissions on Alerts receive email alerts every time a Fatal or Error alert is encountered, and a daily detailed report of all alerts.

Orchestrator - Setting up Alert Emails.

Ashok :slight_smile: