Hi Community,
How to add any Credentials in UI PATH APPS?
how can i fetch details from entity into the UI PATH APPS?
I wanted to store ID AND Password globally and used them into the APPS without backend Process
Thanks Sayali,
Hi Community,
How to add any Credentials in UI PATH APPS?
how can i fetch details from entity into the UI PATH APPS?
I wanted to store ID AND Password globally and used them into the APPS without backend Process
Thanks Sayali,
can you please help me how can i store credentials in entity?
create entity with two columns one for username and other for password and add the creds there…only thing is you can see them they are not hidden
okay then how can I pass this Entity in APPS?
I recommend you take a look at the Data Service and Apps documentation, I’ve gathered a few links that may be useful to your use case.
Apps - Referencing an Entity in Your App (uipath.com)
Data Service - Introduction (uipath.com)
Also, on another topic concerning data security, I’m not sure why do you need to/from users over an App but, in my opinion UiPath apps shouldn’t replace a proper password management tool, again just an opinion since I don’t understand the full scope of the process you’re building.
first create a variable of type list source and under it select the entity in the creation…
then in the page load event use set variable and set the variable to entity (for this use query builder)
then in label use variable.data(0).ColumnName
Actually I wanted to do is ,
I wanted to store Credentials in Entity i.e. Username and Password
So that Username I wanted to check with TextField Control If they Bothe get match then messagebox