How to activate Flex License?
Which orchestrator to use for Flex License? As there is no orchestrator license.
I have only Automation Developer, Unattended, etc. So do I have to perform enterprise activation from company email ID cloud account or is there any other way?
There is no helping document to support flex license activation. Any help would be great.
Flex license will still include orchestrator…SO basically you can create a cloud account or have your standalone orchestrator as well… go to admin…licenses and from there you can activate the licenses
That’s the point there is no specific activation license key or orchestrator license key. I have received only the robot licenses that we ordered and AI bundle license.
I can try this Automation Cloud activation but I don’t want to mess up, because once we assign then it would be difficult to revoke the licenses.
Is there any specific documentation that you know of? for flex specific.
I believe that should be same… But as you have a chance of messing up…Would suggest contact the support …They would confirm as well if there are any issues
Because as per docs that I shared as well I don’t see any separate way to do but use the same as one thing for sure is that there isn’t any separate license for orchestrator at all… license is basically for orchestrator to understand what you purchased
Thank you @Anil_G for such immediate response. Let me reach them and check with UiPath Team. It seems there is not much information on Flex license installation available.
Yes, you need to create orchestrator from and create an organization. Then perform enterprise activation and then just add robot license to it.