How Select Date Year and Month from Date Picker Calendar where Date filed is non editable


Can anyone help on below issue.

I have Candidate form where I have to select DOB from calendar I tried to send as typeinto or SeTText activities it’s not working because in form date column is non editable


Please help me on this Thanks in advance.!!

Have you tried typing Date with the format the specified website accepts?

In this case it is MMM dd, yyyy

Hi Rahul,

There is no option to type date because column not editable when I’m clicking on empty column directly calendar pop is coming with current date.

If that’s the case I think you have to go forward with Ui Approach

Ui Approach means?

Perform Click options.

Capture the Calendar Table. Pass the selectors dynamically. That would do it

@ramesh_kola here you can see the selector of date picker … In image aaname = 13 that means it is selecting 13 in datepicker if you change dynamically as per your flow in “aaname”.it will automatically click on that

You can see example here

hello @ramesh_kola

Download this: workflow download

i’m using Ui Approach.
but i’m just doing month (JULY) only, (click the next button of month until month ‘July’). i’m not doing the date & year because lazy.

just try to run it first (this is same with your issue that you facing but you need to develop more because i’m only doing the simple). (11.5 KB)

use this, the 1st one have bug.

look at workflow activities, variables, data type, and all selectors because i change a bit of the selectors.

hope this helpful

because lazy :smiley:

Check this