How to select date from a website's datepicker if its in table form?

I am unable to update rows and columns for selecting the date
date 1 is variable that takes custom input of date but tableRow and column i am unable to update

Please try using Dynamic selectors to select the date :slight_smile:

I did try but i couldnt please send some screenshot so i can refer

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Can I access the datepicker? :slight_smile:

yes please acces the datepicker and select a custom date

What is the website url?

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Alright. Thanks.
Let me try :slight_smile:

Hey @keTan
You can just simply type the complete date in the field :slight_smile:

You do not need to use click activities :slight_smile:

i actually wanna do this for another url which i cant share so pls can you tell me how would i update the row n column part

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Hi @keTan

Use type into based on dd-mm-yyyy and click on date picker symbol to refresh it


it will be really helpful if u can send me a screenshot of the sequence

Don’t have laptop LL send it at home


pls do

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pls find the below flow. I can Understand even i had faced this issue while automating the calendar.

  1. no matter what website are you using before taking the selectors of the calendar refresh the page once then.
  2. the idx for the month dropdown will always be idx=1 if you click it first time when you exit the calender and open it again and if taken the selector of the month column it increases be odd number idx=3 same goes for the year column.
  3. so make sure that when you are taking the selectors refresh the page first then click on the calendar icon(take the selector).
  4. take the slector of the month dropdown the idx at this position will be idx=1
  5. take the slectors of the year column the idx of this will be 2
  6. for the day you have to make the selector dynamic.

i have attached a sample flow which did help in my process hope it would be of help to you.
i have included the necessary comments so that you can alter the flow as per your requirements.

again if you face any problems feel free to email or post it here
hope that would solve your problem
Calender.xaml (11.9 KB)

Note(Using the XAML):
give your input date in “dd-MM-yyyy” format if yours date is in other format please change it in the DateTime.ParseExact(“Date_In_String_Format”,“YOUR DATE FORMAT similar as the Date _In_String_Format variable”,nothing)

i am unable to see the activities kindly send the full file

can you please send me the screen shot as how it appears on you pc

this is what it shows

do one thing update all activities from the manage packages its will get solved …

which all packages and where is the update option?