i have a community licence ,how can i find this UIpath Chatbot ?
(Piotr Kołakowski)
December 11, 2021, 8:25pm
take a look to this video:
I did but how can i access chatbot.Uipath.com ./Connections
(Piotr Kołakowski)
December 11, 2021, 9:02pm
To be honest I didn’t created any chatbot.
Here is the guide. Check maybe it will be helpful. But it is interesting topic for me. So for sure I will investigate it deeper.
Chatbots are increasingly being adopted to provide customers and employees a quick and easy way to self-serve common requests. While Natural Language Processing (NLP) enables the creation of chatbots that can identify intent from a users message, even when expressed in ways that are not predefined, automating the fulfilment of these requests remains a challenge.
UiPath Chatbots provide a configurable way of enabling chatbot fulfilment via processes in UiPath orchestrator, run by una…
Yeah it is deprecated as it has multiple other options to integrate with chatbot with UiPath
May be i would suggest to use DRUID with UiPath
Cheers @Mohammed_Shehata
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