Hi Team,
Can we create a chatbot using UIPath.My objective is to use this chatbot for internal team discussion on project requirements.
Apprecaite your inputs!
Hi Team,
Can we create a chatbot using UIPath.My objective is to use this chatbot for internal team discussion on project requirements.
Apprecaite your inputs!
Hi @RajeshT,
Yes we can crate chat bot using uipath.
UiPath chatbot is a new feature that UiPath is offering to trigger various processes based on certain commands we provide through a chatbot. NLP, ML and AI provide a good level of understanding of the natural language and how the tasks should be performed.
Combination of Google DialogFlow and UiPath Orchestrator makes this magic work.
You can try it out through the UiPath insider preview using the below link
Best regards,
Hi @Naveen.Ch,
Thank you for your response and valuable inputs.
With the information provided ,will my requirement is doable?
Check this tutorial by @Lahiru.Fernando
Thank you @Ashish_Verma,for the tutorial.
Follow this link
Can I trigger a process in orchestrator from a chatbot that has been connected via chatbot.uipath.com using community edition?
Hello Salax,
In this movie I did all step to Configure UiPath ChatBot:
For trigger process from multiple software here is a nice movie:
Cristian Negulescu
Using Dialogflow is not the same as developing chatbots with UiPath. UiPath has strategically decided not to develop a tool for us to develop chatbots with. They want you to buy it from druid. And Druid does not make it easy even for UiPath customers/developers. They treat UiPath as just another RPA tool out there. I have asked for this at several insider meetings and the only response I have been getting for the last 2 years is “Thank you, we will let the product team know about this feedback.”
Hi savantsa, using Amelia and UiPath will able to do chat bot activities?
Thanks. But I wanted to know with native UiPath. With OpenAI this question is now moot anyway.