How do we login in outlook?

How do we login in outlook ? , is it possible to login in outlook without opening the outlook website ? like using activity . My goal is to login to outlook using outlook credentials and then get email messages . Any idea guys would be a great help thank you.

For example I have a get credentials from orchestrator that contains username and password for the email.


Use Outlook Activities like below


If you unable to find those then install below package


Hope this helps you


an how to connect the credentials from orchestrator ? I stored the email username and password on orc. thanks

If the credentials are correct would that automatically get the outlook emails ? …


You need to install Outlook APP and configured with email id in the Machine you are trying

For Outlook automation, it is not required to provide credentials unless you have two accounts in one Outlook APP

Hope this helps you


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I only need to use the account from the orchestrator


OK, do you install Outlook APP and configure email id?


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yes I already installed outlook app , what is next?

Should I pass the variable on outlook account ?


Yes, If you want you can create another asset as text and use Get Asset Activity

Give the Name of the asset and create output variable

Now you can use that variable in Account

Mark as solution if this helps


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last question regarding this one new System.Net.NetworkCredential(string.Empty, password).Password

is the variable inside param the username and password from orchestrator(Give the Asset Name and declare variables for UserName and Password) ?

#something like this ?
new System.Net.NetworkCredential(username, password).Password

There is some confusion here… Outlook activity will use the Outlook that is installed in the robot machine, and that must already have the user setup on it…


I already have set up my orchestrator . In the asset I create one asset in the orchestrator which contains the username and password which is

@Srini84 can you answer this question Sir ? or clarifications thanks.
> last question regarding this one new System.Net.NetworkCredential(string.Empty, password).Password
> is the variable inside param the username and password from orchestrator(Give the Asset Name and declare variables for UserName and Password) ?
> #something like this ?
> new System.Net.NetworkCredential(username, password).Password


Try as below

Hope this helps you


Please send the file xml , Thank you.


I reliased now Get Outlook don’t need the password, username except the Account

I thought of IMAP

Sorry for the confusion


Does the get credentials automatically validates username ? that the only thing I need to put on StrPass is jut the password and then put StrPass on Get Outlook Mail Messages Input Account