Hi, I’m trying to automaticly open encrypted outlook messages. For this an ID card must be inserted and the passwort must be entered, but none of the protocols seem to support this. Does anyone know how I can solve this ?
Hi, I’m trying to automaticly open encrypted outlook messages. For this an ID card must be inserted and the passwort must be entered, but none of the protocols seem to support this. Does anyone know how I can solve this ?
can we save those mail message as .eml file and then open them with START PROCESS activity
–which will try to open the mail and ask us for password, which we can enter with a TYPE INTO activity
is it possible for the robot to store the password into a variable and use it itself ?
yah of course
we can directly use GET PASSWORD activity or if we hve stored in the orchestrator then we can use GET CREDENTIALS activity which can store the password in a secure string variable then we can use TYPE SECURE STRING activity which we can use it to enter the password
Cheers @B.D
thanks, I will try it and turn back to you, if I should have further questions, if it is ok.
Cheers @B.D
Hi I tried your get password suggestion now since I don’t have a license for orchestrator. the problem is that I can’t even download those encrypted messages because if they aren’t decrypted Ui path can’t find them in them in the inbox.