WIth the release of a new version of UiPath, python support has been added. Could anyone please give me some working examples of how I can invoke a python function, method or something to my project?
Unfortunately the description of the methods on the official UiPath website doesn’t really make it clear to me how to use it.
For instance, I need to run a very simple python code where I have some input variables and maybe some output. What activity do I use for it?
Another question: what if my python code contains an imported library, can it be invoked to UiPath as well?
Please check this sample workflow (it assumes that Python 3.6 is installed at “C:\Python36”): PythonActivitiesTest.zip (2.5 KB)
After loading the script with the Load Python Script activity, you can call a method in a script using Invoke Python Method’s input property called Input parameters. Invoke Python Method returns a PythonObject that can be passed to the the Get Python Object activity for conversion into a .NET object.