How do I add multiple Excel data to a table(Different format)

Add multiple Excel columns with different names and formats to a data table.need to fetch the data in the red box.

Hi @491114473,

For reading the excel data you can use the Read Range activity

Then you can use the Filter Data Table activity in order to keep the columns that you want.

Finally, you can use the Write Range activity to write the results

If you like, you could use as well the Merge Data Table activity in order to combine the filtered/read data tables

Hope this helps
Best regards,


Please refer below link



Thank you for your answer,The yellow part in the attachment is the data to be extracted.Merge the data into a single table.

demo.7z (41.0 KB)


Sorry, I cannot open the . 7z files on this PC

Could you please give us more details about the isssue, here on this topic? perhaps with some print screens …

Re-upload the attachment, need to extract the data for the three yellow columns in Excel,Merge the data into a single table.But the three Excel formats are different,The column names are also different.
Please help me and tell me what I should do. (45.5 KB)
demo1.xlsx (22.2 KB)
demo2.xlsx (14.1 KB)
demo3.xlsx (17.9 KB)


Please refer to the attached file Main.xaml (8.4 KB)

You can forget about merging/joining tables, and just writing the filtered data table at specific position on your output file

Hope this helps
Best regards,