How can i trim text to enter into SAP

i have to enter string data into SAP. but in SAP the data has to entered in this form: “Short”" ““Ship”” "“Product”

i am getting the entire word from excel as string but i need to enter in this format.
how can i enter the string in the format above, provided the word counts may vary for each case

Hi @dead3ye

Can you please share the string value that you are getting from excel.

Hi @dead3ye
Can you share the screenshot of it.

Hi @dead3ye

Try this way

inputstring = “Short Ship Product”

Output = String.Join(" “, InputString.Split(” “c).Select(Function(s) $”“”{s}“”"))



Gowtham K

“Short Ship Product” this is how i am fetching from excel

will this work for any other string where the name does not contain s. if we have string from excel like “Price Distribution”, anything which does may start from a different string name ?

@dead3ye it will work other string also, based on space we are splitting the input string word

@Gowtham_K115 do you have an idea why im getting this error while running

Assign: Expression Activity type ‘VisualBasicValue`1’ requires compilation in order to run. Please ensure that the workflow has been compiled.

@dead3ye try below threads


Below error appear right

You just change the Double quotes


Gowtham K

is there any other method to extract text. i keep getting compilation error

@dead3ye where you want to extract the data?

extract the data to a string after that we are invoking a workflow to enter the data to sap.