How do I schedule a bot to run every 30min on mondays only? I have never done this before so help would be awesome. I know im suppose to use orchestratror.
what would i put for the process? I have the bot connected. Do I use the same name for the scdedule as I did for my bot name?
HI @seanp92
You can schedule a process through the Orchestrator. In the orchestrator, go to the Schedules page and click on the Add button.
Then in the scheduler, Go to Daily, and select Monday. Then below, type 30 mintues
For the process name, you have to specify what process you want to schedule to run on the specified schedule. This process only lists processes that are published and available in the Orchestrator. So if you have not published your workflow to Orchestrator you have to publish it first.
To publish
In studio, click on publish button
In the next screen, select “Orchestrator” and click on publish
Once published, go to orchestrator. Processes → Packages page and check whether your published workflow is there
Next, Go to Processes page and add a process with the newly published package
Once done, you can properly add the process in the scheduler…
Let know whether this helps!!