How can I pass the id of any folder in the UiPath API and get jobs

Hi, I need help.

I need to do a “get” using the “odata/Jobs” endpoint of the UiPath API, I want to pass it as a filter “State eq ‘Running’” and I also need to pass the id of the folder (this can vary, since I have to go through all the folders and bring the Jobs of each process).

The relative URL I’m using is this, but it doesn’t work:
String.Format("/odata/Jobs?fid={0}&$filter=State eq 'Running'", idFolder)
(to the ‘fid’ part, I added it based on a UiPath documentation but it didn’t work)
Im use the activity “Orchestrator HTTP Request”

Basically I need to build a relative URL that contains the following, but I don’t know how:


In the orchestrator http request id is not needed…instead you would use the orchestrator folder path option in the properties panel and pass the folder name which you want the jobs to be retrieved

Only status will be there in filters


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