Making Job Request via UIPath Orchestrator API

I am trying to make a job execution using external application in UIPath. I have setup he oAuth scopes and generated my bearer token as well. But as per the documentations, I don’t understand what to supply in X-UIPATH-OrganizationUnitId while making a Starting a Job request. Additionally, I also don’t know from where can I get Process Key programmatically to trigger a specific job.

Furthermore where do we check our robot ids? I have created an unattended robot within a user as shown below:

Hi Shivam: OrganizationUnitId corresponds to Folder ID.

You can get it by accessing Folder and looking to the address bar in the browser (see picture below)


Hope it helps

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Yes it definitely does. Thanks and what about the Release Key?

Hi @spidey,

Please see below if it helps:

Alternatively, best way to know what methods or urls can be used to fetch what values, you can do below:

On your orchestrator URL , please add /swagger/index.HTML after the usual url of orchestrator and you will get redirected to the testing swagger webpage. Here you can see and test all of the available APIs.


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Hi Sonali,

Thank you very much for your answer. The first method that you suggested worked well for me not very sure about the second method where you asked to add /swagger/index.html as I am a bit confused where exactly to add it. (An example would be really great)

Additionally does this release key change with time or remains static?

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Hi @spidey,

I don’t think it should change unless you delete the process completely from orchestrator and add again.

However, trying and observing the real behaviour should confirm this :slight_smile:


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