How can I fill not a cell but a range of cells?

Is really nice to work with robots but how can I fill not a cell but a range of cells?

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Hi Codex,

If you mean by filling the “name” on the Unicorn Name website, using 2 different cells (e.g. FirstName + LastName): you can do that into the “Type Into” activity, by selecting Type this > click the Plus btn > Text > and in here you can compose the name, using multiple excel cells (using the Plus icon button for each of them)

Example: my Text builder will contain [UnicornNameExcel Sheet1!A2] [UnicornNameExcel] Sheet1!B2 (assuming that we would have FirstName as the first column, and LastName as a second column), filling the web application with “Razvan Vancea”. Alongside all these values extracted from excel, you can feel free to add any plain text into the text builder


Tks, but my question is How to fill 3 different names that are on the same column , or 5 names or x names that are on the same column!

I dont want to fill [UnicornNameExcel Sheet1!A2] and after that [UnicornNameExcel Sheet1!A3] and [UnicornNameExcel Sheet1!A4] and so on!

I am looking for a solution like {UnicornNameExcel Sheet1!A2:A100] for example … and if is possible! :slight_smile:


PS Assuming that you are from Romania “Razvan_Vrancea” ( :slight_smile: ) my problem is:
"Vreau sa completez o coloana intreaga de 100 de nume de exemplu printr-o singura referinta si nu 100 de referinte pentru pentru fiecare nume!


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Salutare :slight_smile:

I got your question! From what I’ve seen so far, you can do that by using an “Excel for each row” action. It will basically iterate through each row, allowing you to include other actions as well (e.g. type into and so on).
For reference, it might worth having a look at the CurrencyConverter example. The sales support specialist uses and Excel that has a column with N rows (countries) and using this approach he manages to collect local currencies from the internet and insert them for each of those countries accordingly.



hello! I wanted to do the same thing, this is how I did it: you insert “excel for each row” before the “type into” steps. In the “type this” cell, you select [CurrentRow] and the corresponding range (name, birthday month) instead of the single cell reference.


:ok_hand: :+1:

It is work! Merci!

Hi there! Next week there will be a lesson dedicated to working with iterations :smiley: This week is all about learning the basics and getting you comfortable with using actions and resources.

I can’t wait! :slight_smile: For now, I had solve my problem with “excel for each row” :slight_smile: I was lucky to understand how! Tks!


Hi Codex,
You can try with the “Current Row” > Select the range of column you want to fill

Great reference, I was also thinking if same thing that how can i make the robot navigate through the column instead of just selecting the first cell always. Will try the solution indicated by you Razan.