Set Excel Formula

Hello Friend,

i’m tring to fill cells in an Excel files without using EXcel aplication (with workbook).
so how we can use the write cell (worbook), to fill the difference between two column?

Hi @abdel !
I suggest you to use read range (the one that is not linked with excel application scope), then for each row, use assign activity to write:
row(“name of the column”) = CDbl(row(“other name of column”).tostring) - Cdbl(row(“also other name”).tostring)
Then use write range (the one that is not linked with excel application scope)

yes but i will loose the format of the Excel, cell color.
i want to keep the original Excel format

This isn’t a good thing to do most of the time. Humans may look at and edit the spreadsheet to change formulas, etc. so you want those formulas preserved not overwritten with literals.

You might have to use the Excel Application Scope activities.

what you suggestion :slight_smile: