Making an Robo in Uipath in middle I am facing some problem, i have two workbooks one is a resource sheet which is dynamic where number of initials can change based on availability of employees who will work as shown below for four type of requests
and now i have one excel sheet which also changed every day for new requests where i need to fill these initials
in columns I,J,K i need to fill same initial mention from resource sheet from column D(One men one request) condtional if each row contains Capacitor-Fixed or Resistor-Fixed
else i need to fill column I from Symbol(Column A),i need to fill column J from Cell(Column B), i need to fill column K from PDB(Column C) can anyone please help
it would be helpfully if you could also provide a sample excel for the expected output using the shared two excels. Currently the requirements cannot be clearly derived from desription.
Thanks for support
One more thing Peter if we enter the Last initial MGL in “I” column as per number of requests so in next data fill should start round-robin from HKR not from RSH and similarly for all
Hi Peter this solution works fine but it didn’t remember last filled initials, it should start from the next initial so load sharing could be equally distributed, I mean can we keep last filled initial as history for symbol cell and pdb and OMOR
In above solution we have filled the data as per requests available in assign queue this is fine but in assign queue we are getting unassigned requests continuously so we need to assign them every after 30 minutes using Bot but Bot didn’t remember last entered initial as shown below
So when we rerun Bot for the unassigned queue it should start from as shown below (Green)from resource sheet
did face a heavy workload on my regular job. So was blocked on practical prototyping. But from the conceptual viewpoint we can start.
Let me summarize my understanding:
Bot is assigning the codes as implemented
Bot did last assigned (OMOR) VSA
Bot has done
Bot will start again
Bot should pick up based on last run the next Code: AVA (OMOR case)
you called it nice Round-Robin we had implemented with the modulo triggered on the count (cntDefault)
Lets take following case:
arrOMOR: { “ASB”, “MJN”, “YUV”, “VSA”, “AVA” }, length = 5
cntOMOR: 7 - Code: YUV (we are 0 based indexed)
Mod result is: 7 Mod 5 = 2
On a new run we have cntOMOR = 0
When we calculate the Offset by remembering last run: 0 + (7 Mod 5) + 1 = 3
then we get: VSA
so we just have to store / persist the two last counts (DEF/CRF) and will have to reuse it on begin for init the counters.
Depending on your architecture (Orchestrator usage, No of Bots) you can check following options:
using an asset
using data service
local file write
storing two counters on as Asset of text type can be done with a JSON string like
{“DEF”: 7,“CFRF”:3}
this string can afterwards easy Deserialized within a Dictionary(Of String, Int32) and you need only 1 Asset for memorization the counts