(Krishna Sai Nag)
July 30, 2018, 7:28am
I have some application in my Remote Desktop.The application shows data as table and i have to copy some specific columns from the table and to copy to excel in my computer.
Is there any solution for it.
Can i cop this using citrix autopmation,if it is possible how can i use citrix automation to copy data.
Hi @krishna124 ,
Please go through the below posts. Hope that helps!
I work with Citrix environment and I use SendHotkey and Clipboard to get the data from the Citrix.
What I do:
1 - Use SendHotkey (TAB) to go with the cursor on the field that I need to extract the information
2 - Use SendHotkey (Home, SHIFT + End) to select entire text from the field
3 - Use SendHotkey (CTRL + C) to copy the selected text
4 - Use ‘Get From Clipboard’ Activity to get the content from clipboard and assign to a variable
Hope It Helps!
I understood your problem, I just want to check - are you able to copy and paste data from citrix app to your local machine?
Previously, I dealt with similar situation where I had taken below approach.
Opened Excel sheet in citrix - through key strokes copied data.
Opened new excel sheet locally, then pasted data
Updated data in local excel sheet
Copied data from local excel sheet using key strokes (Ctrl + c)
In Citrix - Selected all data in excel sheet using key strokes (Ctrl + a)
Pasted da…
Mahesh Lakshmipathy
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(Krishna Sai Nag)
July 30, 2018, 10:41am
No,That is what i want.
I want to copy my data from some application in my Remote Desktop to Excel in my computer.