How can add the Data Scarping Row Values

I want to add the all rows value in a web page. So, By using the Data Scraping I collect the Rows Value and store in [ExtractDataTable]

Can you plz anyone give me a suggestion methods for adding the DataScrpe Values?

Hi @Rajiduraikannu_Santhosh_G

This will be one of the way to achieve this.


SumOfValueInDataTable.xaml (6.1 KB)

Hope this will help you. Thank you.


In the above post I converted the Price value to Double since in the Data Table the price value is stored as string. If it’s not string, no need to convert.

Thank you.

Thnk You so much @Jobin_Joy . Its wrking

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Thanks for confirming.

Hi @Jobin_Joy ,
Can you plz resend the previous method because Some time the values chnges its occurs error. So, can resend the first method

Can you please give some more information? It’s not clear.

I got this error?. I set the crt Columnname[TendDrill] but the error was occur

Hi @Rajiduraikannu_Santhosh_G

It should like this,

ExtractDataTable.AsEnumerable.Sum(Function(x) Convert.ToDouble(x(“TrendDrill”).ToString.Trim) ).ToString

I got this error @Jobin_Joy

Can you share your sample flow here?

Note: Make sure the Data Table is not empty and TrendDrill Column values are present in it.

Thank you.

This is my wrkflow scrape the data stored in ExtractDataTable variable [DataTable<<VariableType]
DataTabla have the values and the Column Name also TrendDrill


Can you please that sample workflow here?

how can i insert the ExtractDataTable Variable in Build Data Table

Hi @Jobin_Joy,
Can u plz rply me


If you facing AsEnumerable is not member of System.Data.Datatable then check below post

For Older versions you need to follow as above, Newer versions it is not an issue

Hope this will help you


But I using the new version 2021.10.4


Is the project is also the same new version developed?

But in later versions I didn’t see any issues


Kindly work on the latest version. You won’t face any such issues as mentioned by @Srini84

Thank you.

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