Hi Team, could you please help me about this error because whenever I am trying to open file file is not there

For reference please check image. Unable to see workflows there like InitAll settings, Get transaction data, process.xaml etc…


I dont see a framework folder in your project at all…

and you are trying to reference them

what you have in screenshot are testcases under tests folder

Either create a new ref and copy the folder and reopen or use a new ref only



Welcome to UiPath Community.

the workflows you are referring are pointing to “Framework” folder. Check if you have Framework folder in your folder structure. if not, point to the correct folder where the workflows are available.


shared library and object repository already created and I have to update the code based on that but I am not understanding.

how we can use shared library and Object Repo in other project?


Ypu need to publish and import them…first of all what si the sisue? The first one and the current issue seems completely different


yes both are different but I need to create Object Repository for project hence please help with the steps how it work for Prod , Dev environment


Please check this


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