Hey, I tried downloading Ui path asking setup link from a friend, still, I am not able to install it. https://cloud.uipath.com/identity_/web/error?errorCode=222 ![image|331x144](upload://goUG99JJX9ExQ7pGfYmAQuQ9jxz.png)


I tried downloading Ui path asking setup link from a friend, still, I am not able to install it.



Hi @Garima_Soni

You can download UiPath Studio from https://cloud.uipath.com/ after log in you will find download links on right hand side pane

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Hi @Garima_Soni

Could you also try different web browser/incognito mode and/or different network as well (if possible)?


Hi Garima, alternatively, you can also use this link. https://download.uipath.com/UiPathStudioSetup.exe

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Its not happening, I tried everything :frowning:


Did you try below?

If yes then just clear catch and history restart the machine and if you have another network to connect just for download then it will be great…

Hi Garima, did you manage to solve the issue?

Not happening :frowning:

This issue happened to me before. I clicked back until I returned to the login page then logged in again and it worked fine.

Could you let us know if this @ahmadEbrahim suggestion from above worked for you?

No…not working

Hi @Garima_Soni

I checked with our team and it could be related to your system clock time and/or time-zone not being properly set. Could you please double check that?

Thank you so much…it did worked

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It worked, Thank you so much for the help

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