Help with retry scope.... if type into CMD doesn't work I wanted to use retry scope or any suggestions


I am using loop to ping addresses from excel in CMD by using type into cmd. It works fine. But sometimes it doesn’t type into cmd (2 out 10 times) and error pops up UI element not visible bla bla…

I wanted to try retry scope to if it doensn’t type into cmd retry again or any suggestion would be helpful.


I think you can surround the type into activity with try catch and supress the exception in the catch block .

Provide the no of retries and retry interval values and test it once

Do I just select the arugment exception on the catch block? and run it?




Its not working mate…

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I would suggest to avoid GUI automation or mimicking human actions as it is wherever another approach is available.

To send a ping command to the command prompt (cmd) using UiPath, you can follow these steps:

  1. Use Start Process Activity: Drag a “Start Process” activity into your UiPath workflow.
  2. Configure Start Process Activity:
  • Set the FileName property to "cmd.exe".
  • Optionally, set the WorkingDirectory property to the directory where you want the command prompt to start.
  • Set the Arguments property to "ping <target_address>". Replace <target_address> with the IP address or hostname you want to ping.
  1. Run the Workflow: Save your workflow and run it.

Here’s a basic example of what the workflow might look like:

plaintextCopy code

- Start Process
    - FileName: "cmd.exe"
    - Arguments: "/c ping"

This will open the command prompt and execute the ping command to ping You can replace "" with any other IP address or hostname you want to ping.

Make sure to handle the output of the ping command if you need to capture or use it in your workflow. You can use the “Get Process Output” activity or similar methods to capture the output from the command prompt.

Ashok :slight_smile: