Help Needed: Unable to Sign in to UiPath Studio!

Hi everyone,

I am unable to sign in to UiPath Studio and have no idea what the issue could be. I would be very grateful if anyone could assist me with this problem.

I am encountering the error shown below. Additionally, I face the same error when using Orchestrator and a machine key option.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Hi @Islam_ISmail

Check this thread

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Try login through UiPath Assistant with machine key.

Ashok :slight_smile:

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Please refer this hope this will works for you

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Hello @ashokkarale
it doesn’t work also, same Error persists.

Hello @rlgandu , unfortunately didn’t work for me.

Hello @pravallikapaluri . I did what with him step by step and it doesn’t work for me the Error still persists !


Try changing the Service URL to

Ashok :slight_smile:

  • From the impacted Studio/Robot machine provide a screenshot from the cmd.exe while you are running

ping -4

  • From the impacted Studio/Robot machine provide a screenshot from the cmd.exe while you are running

tracert -4

  • From the impacted Studio/Robot machine provide a screenshot from the cmd.exe while you are running


  • From the impacted Studio/Robot machine provide a screenshot from the powershell.exe while you are running


  • From the impacted Studio/Robot machine provide a screenshot from the powershell.exe while you are running

​​​​​​​Test-NetConnection -port 443 -InformationLevel Detailed

  • From the impacted Studio/Robot/Assistant machine provide a screenshot from the browser (not Internet Explorer, as we are not supporting it) while you are trying to access

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Provide from the impacted Studio/Robot/Assistant machine this full-page screenshot (Start → Internet Options → Connections → LAN settings)

The robot was installed in Service Mode or User Mode?

You already some package lost in the ping → so internal network issues and a redirection through proxy.

Run correctly the command

​​​​​​​Test-NetConnection -port 443 -InformationLevel Detailed