Help! Need help to creating steam account creator

Help!! Need help to creating steam account creator…
what i need is to take all data from excel sheet and just put it into sign-up form…
it works like: first open browser in private mode
-then copy user name from excel sheet and paste it in form
after pasting all information or creating an account next step will be close browser and just repeat all steps from starting like open browser in private mode but at this time it will pick data from second row …

inshort i need to loop this script after creating an account

Hi @Vinit_Mhatre

Welcome to forum

I didn’t understand what u need to do after entering the details in the signup form?

no problem dude i solved this issue… can you help me in if condition?
like what is there is no option for “setup profile” and then it will pass condition to else statement?

what should i type in condition field?

Hi @Vinit_Mhatre

To check whether the setup profile is there u can use element exist activitiy. This activity will check whether the option is there or not and return the Boolean variable

So in ur case use element exist to check whether the setup profile is existing or not and store in variable let’s say result

Then in if condition specify the condition as result

result variable is True when the setup profile is there then it will go to then section

result varible is False when the setup profile is there then it will go else section

So make the activity in the then and else section Accordingly

Hope it helps :blush:


Nived N :robot:

Happy Automation :relaxed::relaxed::relaxed:

dude i have done till this

but its only doing “then” part… whenever “Edit profile” comes it not clicking on EDIT PROFILE… what should i do??? can you show me some example in … THNX in advance