If you want to add those excel to queue then first read all those excel file and have it as a datatable like
dt1, dt2, dt3 for each excel
Now use BULK ADD QUEUE ITEM activity where pass those datatable one by one so that datatable gets added as a queue items
Which means use three bulk add queue item activity
And to get those data back from queue have the queue name in a array variable like this
Inside Get Transaction state
arr_queuename = {“A-queue”, “B-queue”, “C-queue”}
Where arr_queuename is a variable of type array of string defined in variable panel
Now use a FOR EACH activity and pass that array variable as input and change the type argument as string in property panel
Inside the loop use a GET QUEUE ITEM activity to get bulk queue items
If you want GET TRANSACTION ITEM activity if you want to get one queue item
As we are keeping in a REFramework use IF condition where use transaction number as a condition
you can implement like this first upload 3 files data into 3 queues , now you have 3 queue names and data inside it
use int variable as Queue Counter (default value as 0)
you use get queue items activity(here use fiters as state is new and output as StrQueueItems) and pass first queue name
in if statement pass StrQueueItems.count>0
if count is greater than 0 then get item from the queuename
if count is less than 0 the increment queue counter with 1
and put one more if condition below that if condition
queue counter shouldnt be more than number of queue names if yes then assign transaction as nothing
For Each “item” in “in_tab_queue_name” Get Queue Items
with Queue name : item and Queue items : StrQueueItems*
End For each
IF StrQueueItems.count>0
(GetTransactionItem) With Queue Item Name : in_tab_queue_name(queueCounter) and Transaction Item : out_TransactionItem Else Assign queueCounter = queueCounter + 1 End if
IF queueCounter > in_tab_queue_name.count Assign out_TransactionItem = Nothing End IF