Getting wrongs results using a filter for the acivity "Get oulook mail messages"

@Ana_Blanco - Please check this…without time it is fetching with certain time limits that’s why you didn’t get any results…In my case I got 8…as soon as I added the time it started giving me perfect count…

Without Time


Here’s how I added my Datetime code

"[ReceivedTime] >= '"+ new DateTime(2021,06,09,00,01,00).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm") +"' AND [ReceivedTime] <='" +new DateTime(2021,06,10,23,59,00).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm")+"'"

and I got the same Result…with 22 emails fetched…

You can replace it two string variables in the above code by using the same datetime code with .tostring.

Hope this helps…

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