Getting stable selector problem

so id property is not an option. nor these elements has the actual purpose of the element in the “aaname” or “inner text” . as high lighted , that element for now it has “–none–” , which is the case for most elements when we invoke the window newly. so if we try to use aaname and inner text , excluding id , we get an IDX which is not reliable
find children ?
this method works but lets say am finding 20 children having aanme and inner text. the bot is only working on the first 5 adter that due to the fact that am unable to scroll down its not working.
anchror base ?
this method does not work . i tried it for the high lighted element keeping anchor base at top.
but i got an error saying specified combination of “slector , filter and scope is not supported”

all these are happening in chrome. i tried the same thing in internet explorer. but internet explorer is not viable. firefox is as same as chrome. can any one suggest a better way of selecting elements in this screen.
@loginerror @Palaniyappan

a reliable selector should be defineable by using the integrated anchor approach:
Working in UiExplorer

  • select dropdown as target element
  • select * Stage as Anchor element
  • bind the Anchor element to its innertext

the result would look like here along with the nav up/down syntax

am not sure i understood what you said. but on the other note. in active accebility frame work i am trying . can we trust the idx number

using ui explorer , i got the following selector after pointing dropdown first and indicate anchor next.

am not sure how can we change the anchor selector alone here. for that i need to seperately find the selector for anchor and associate with aaname as you say. but still how to replace in the integrated approach am not sure.

this forum did not allow me to paste seletor here or some reason hence i took image.

Maybe I didn’t get you right:

post editing the Anchor we can do in UiExplorer by selecting the Anchor selector line
also we can modify directly on the edit pane (below in the middle)

gotcha sir. it was lill new initially that’s why confusing. i think nav up=‘somenumber’> which is automatically generated based on the numer of navigations away from the stable element. this is really cool and its working. thank u ! we will closethis thread.

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