have a look on this scenario similar to yours:
we would like to click remove for e.g. Guerra
the webelement structure looks like this:
- with the variable in selector we identify the datarow of guerra (Anchoring to the name)
- based on this the remove button is found
the selector for click looks like:
<html app='firedox.exe url='*mdbootstrap.com' />
<webctrl parentid='table' tag='BUTTON' rowName='{{selectedName}}' />
sometimes it is needed to anchor it (Name in first column)
so it would look like this:
<html app='firedox.exe url='*mdbootstrap.com' />
<webctrl tag='TABLE' />
<webctrl isleaf='1' tableCol='1' tag='TD' innertext='{{selectedName}}' />
<nav up='1' />
<webctrl parentid='table' tag='BUTTON' type='button' />
ensure that for the development the used variable does have a default value. So you can validate the selectors for the dynamic part.
Have starter help here:
ClickButton_AnchorByVariable_SameRow.xaml (9.2 KB)