Getting the issue while selecting the comments column.
Any idea about this, It will be helpful for me.
Thanks in Advance
Getting the issue while selecting the comments column.
Any idea about this, It will be helpful for me.
Thanks in Advance
Are you trying to modify the selector identified by UiPath Explorer?
Just include ‘id’ property that you see on the right side and then use it under your workflow. It should work.
Rammohan B.
No, I am not trying to modify which was selected by UI Path Explorer.
I just selected it and if I am trying to validate then it is throwing the error.
Ok. Just add the id attribute for the selector and test if it works within a ‘Type Into’ activity.
Rammohan B.
No Ram, If I am selecting the id option or If I am trying to validate it.
It is throwing the error.
Are you validating it in UiExplorer?, If yes then just edit the selector and without validating use it as a selector for your ‘Type Into’ activity and test it.
Also, Have a look at this thread once and also add a url attribute for your parent selector.
Rammohan B.
@sugunakar13 can yo please try and re-indicate the element from the UiExplorer and then try and update the elements?
Click on the arrow icon (top-left) and the indicate the comments text-box.
See if it helps and stops the error.
Thanks @Rammohan91 for the help you did. It’s working perfectly now.
Thanks for the above references.