Hi, I am working on the Calculate Client Security Hash assignment. I need help with figuring out how to fix these selectors.
Thanks in advance.
02/20/2020 22:58:13 => [Debug] Execution started for project: Calculate Client Security Hash
02/20/2020 22:58:15 => [Info] Calculate Client Security Hash execution started
02/20/2020 22:58:17 => [Info] Killing processes…
02/20/2020 22:59:09 => [Info] Opening applications…
02/20/2020 22:59:19 => [Info] Processing Transaction Number: 1
02/20/2020 22:59:49 => [Error] Get Text ‘DIV’: Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector:
02/20/2020 22:59:49 => [Error] Invoke System1_ExtractClientInformation workflow: Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector:
02/20/2020 22:59:49 => [Info] Opening applications…
02/20/2020 23:00:21 => [Error] Type Into ‘INPUT email’: Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector:
02/20/2020 23:00:21 => [Error] Invoke System1LogIn workflow: Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector:
02/20/2020 23:00:21 => [Debug] System error at initialization: Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector: at Source: Invoke System1LogIn workflow: Type Into ‘INPUT email’
02/20/2020 23:00:21 => [Info] Closing applications…
02/20/2020 23:00:22 => [Info] Calculate Client Security Hash execution ended in: 00:02:07