Getting Error while trying to use Native citrix

Hi All,
I’m trying to automate an application its kind of virtual/ remote .here i’m trying two ways

  1. Using Native citrix i’m getting this error as shown below

**** Cannot Automate Remote App:UiPath RemoteRuntime.exe is not running in the remote session***


2)Using CV Activities i’m getting 2 errors as shown below

image Error2

**** Cannot Automate Remote App:UiPath RemoteRuntime.exe is not running in the remote session***
*** Object reference not set to an instance of an object ****

Can some one help me out on this problem.
[Notes : i’m installed UiPathRemoteRuntime.msi with help of evaluation version trail version, still it throwing error]

Hi @Ramakrishna

I guess you have to install the uipath remote runtime in your remote machine…

Check the below link to get it installed

Installing the UiPath Remote Runtime

Let know if this helps to get your error resolved.

I’m installed remote runtime still error occurs

Try using a different versions of Citrix Receiver/Workspace Client

Hello @Ramakrishna,
Firstly I would suggest to try the solution posted by @asesor-rpa. Please also check if the runtime has been installed on the correct machine (the one to which you are connecting using remote connection).

that time Remote runtime is not been installed , now i’m trying to install remote runtime but it thows error like this Runtime%20Error

I’m installed community edition

and what is the prerequisites to install Remote Runtime?

Hi Lahiru,
Can we install Remote Runtime with trail version also?

Hi @Ramakrishna

Yes. In case the link was not provided, please contact our support for it :slight_smile:

Thank you Loginerror

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I’m trying to automate an application its kind of virtual/ remote. I have installed Remote Run time on the Server and then I have enabled the citrix extension in the UiPath, but when I have tested its showing the below error.

Can some one help me out on this problem.


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In this case I uninstalled Citrix extension and reinstalled ,worked with Citrix automation image recording and key strokes

Hi @Shaik_shaik

I think I got this error in the past. It was related to a version of UiAutomation package that wasn’t compatible with the remote runtime installed on the server.

Could you try downgrading the package to 19.4?


I still have the same problem even after downgrading the UiAutomation package to 19.4.1.
can help me out in fixing this.
you can see below for the screenshot.


Hi @Shaik_shaik

You can see how the Local UiPath version from your screenshots changed.

I think you might want to contact our technical support for the most recent version of the remote runtime installer.

Thanks for your support.
I have raised a ticket.



@Shaik_shaik I have the same issue, did you get any answer from the support ?


I had run the project on my local environment, I got error message:
Could not connect to the remote session. Please verify your network connection, and make sure that the UiPath Remote Runtime is installed and running on the server.

Here is what I have attempted already:

  1. The UiPath Studio, check home/Tools/UiPath Extensions, the Citrix UiPath extensions was installed
  2. UiPathRemoteRuntime was downloaded in my local machine
  3. Check UiPath Orchestrator Resource Center Featured Download,
    Compatible with following versions of UIAutomation: 18.4.8, 19.11.4, 19.11.5, 20.10.12, 21.10.7, 22.4.7
  4. Go to UiPath Studio, click “Manage Packages”, in Project Dependencies, check
    UiPath.UIAutomation.Acriveities version is v22.4.4
    UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities version is matches Remote Runtime Installer in UiPath Orchestrator
  5. run SupplyChainMCPerformer in UiPath studio, get error:
    Could not connect to the remote session. Please verify your network connection, and make sure that the UiPath Remote Runtime is installed and running on the server.

That’s all what I did, please let me know if I missed anything.


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Hi xchen,
I’m also getting the same error. Can anyone help on this issue?

Hey, issue resolved once I Uninstalled the UiPath studio and reinstalled it on the server.