Getting error to connect Azure blob storage

Hi all, I’m trying to access my files in Azure blob but I’m facing few connection issues. Sometimes it shows I’m not authorised to access those files and i don’t know few activities how to use those.

I’m using GET BLOB activity but when i try to give container name it’s showing error. Can anyone help me how to use that activity.

Hi @Learner007,

Firstly in azure scope you will have to provide all the details such as (Client ID, ClientSecret, Environment, Subscription ID, Tenant ID)

as per below images try those activities by providing required properties.

Hi @saipraneethkumar.peyyeti for storage account I’m getting this type of options.
I’m using 2022.10.3 version

please provide resource group name, storage account name get it from azure portal

@saipraneethkumar.peyyeti when i try to give that it’s showing an error
I have given all access to that

Get Storage Account Unable to get storage account “name1” in resource group "MyGroup Error: The client ada65165-2041 41d5-a3e5-6a4317991751 with object id adab51b5-2841-41d5a3e5-60431791153 does not have authorization to perform action Microsoft Storage/storageAccounts/mead over scope subscriptions/C2899184 469b-4d93-827c-c21eaea31075/resourceGroups/MyGroup/providers/Microsoft Storage/storageAccounts/name or the scope is invalid If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials

@saipraneethkumar.peyyeti i have provided admin access also for that but still getting unable to access the group error

can you go to subscriptions in azure and assign owner role to the app.

while selecting member in role assignment you can search for app name instead of user.

@saipraneethkumar.peyyeti I’m using free trial do i need to upgrade to use this

have you registered app in azure under active directory?

Yes i created app under active directory only

I created another one now.
I have given this below access for API permission
Do i need to give any other permissions

please follow the below steps.

  1. click on subscription.
  2. click on free trail.
  3. click on Access Control (IAM).
    image on add and click add role assigment
    image on owner under role. on members tab & click select members search with your app name.

    image. the app, click review&assign
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Thank you @saipraneethkumar.peyyeti it’s connected now.
Just have a small doubt how to display that output in message box

I want to get the names of that output but I’m getting like this below.

For blob storage I’m getting like this

@saipraneethkumar.peyyeti How to pass input for all these activities. I’m getting errors for this.

for names you can just use outputvariable.Name( if you want use any other property just use dot you can see all the properties listed for that object).

For Get Blob List you have to give get blob container output.

if you query is resolved can you mark it as solution.

@saipraneethkumar.peyyeti Thanks for the solution and you gave me all useful information to me about Azure. Thank you so much.

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