Getting error in Orchetrator

hi everyone,

I am getting the error while running the bot in orchestrator. am triggering that bot through Jobs The State Status going Faulted and the Error message was “#job for #process on #robots bot failed(#1680)in orchestrator”.

if anyone got this error before and found the solution please help me

Thanks and regards

Hi @krishnareddy

Can you check the log for the job on the faulted status

Ashwin S

Hi @AshwinS2

this is the logs csv.

Hi @krishnareddy

Can you check the logs in orchestrator where for a particular job and on the write hand side you can view the option as view logs

Ashwin S

@AshwinS2 Actually i uploaded the Nuget Package and try to excecute it getting error but now i checked logs it is taking the Old version not the present version.

Thanks for the Info

try this