Get UiPath Code

Hi Everyone,

I have developed my UiPath Code and Published in Orchestrator,
But my code is got deleted from my system & I don’t have Backup of my Code.

I have the code in Orchestrator and its running perfectly in unattended mode.
I tried by downloading package from there but I can not find the code.
Can anyone help me out here.



If it is developed in windows compatibility…and if include package source is not check while publishing…there is no way to recover


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It was developed on windows.

Any Solution for this :frowning:

Hi @SP_Bot

We need to go to Orchestrator → Tenant → Packages → Search the package you need to downloaed → Click on the three dots *Right side → View versions → Search the version you want to download → Clin on the three dots → Download package

It will download a nupkg package, your code should be inside the Content Folder

If you are not able to find your code in any folder of the downloaded package, it means that when you did the publish you had not checked the include resource checkbox in the publish options then you won’t be able to recover your package as @Anil_G said, unfortunately


You can recover the files from the DLL. Download a tool named DotPeek from Jetbrains.

Download the package from Orchestrator. Rename it from .nupkg to .zip. Extract the zip file. Go into the folder and find the dll file. You can open the dll with DotPeek and extract the XAML files and project.json