Get text "Save To" shows No Options Found for Excel source

I’m trying to follow the “Get Started with StudioX” in the Academy, but during first exercise, the unicorn name one, the last step is supposed to be “Get text” from the web page and Save To a cell in the Excel file source. When I try to go to indicate which cell in Excel, instead of giving me the option to Indicate, it shows me the following:

It just says “No options found”, and I don’t know why. Any help would be much appreciated :slight_smile:

Here is the entire flow:

Hi @adam.m2

To Indicate the element you need to click on a Notch on right side of Screenshot.



So regardless if the activity is configured correctly you should be able to specify where to save the value obtained from get text

So with this in mind can you provide some basic details such as Studio version and of course package versions

Thank you,



In my Studio 22.10.1CE, I can have reproduced same matter. Probably there seems something wrong in UiAutomation package.
For now, can you try to downgrade UiAutomation.Activities package to 22.4.7? It works in my env.


Hello, StudioX version is 2022.10.1, see below for package versions

(1/2 since I’m new and can only post 1 attachment)


I downgraded to 22.437, and although it broke the last 3 activities, once I replaced them, it worked! Thank you


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So … yeah we made a change that should have not happened :frowning: So in the mean time ( until our next community release which is due next week ) the workaround is to save the output of the get text in a variable

and then use write cell to write the variable in the excel file

and use indicate in excel to specify where

Hope this helps ,



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Thank you!

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The fix should be available in “UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities”: “[22.10.2]” , so if possible update the project dependencies .
