Get text from web and match it with excel

  1. Login to WebPage
  2. Click on Notification
  3. If you see any registration word in the queue, then click on it
  4. Get the phone no, email address details
  5. Match those details with Excel file
  6. If matched then hit approved else reject.

I am a beginner, please explain in detail if possible.

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use a “use application browser activity”
click activity to click on notification
put an if condition and click activity

Hey @avinash.wankhede ,

1. log in to WebPage: Use browser activities to login using Type Into Activity

2. Click on Notification - Use a Click Activity and indicate the notification

3. If you see any registration word in the queue, then click on it: Use an if Activity
If QueueVariable.contains("Registration)
Then Click activity

4. Get the phone no, email address details: Use GetText Or Get attribute activity to get the required Details

To Read Excel File:
Use the "Excel Application Scope" activity to open an Excel file.
Use the "Read Range" activity to read the data from the Excel file into a Data Table.

5. Match those details with an Excel file: Loop through the DataTable (using a "For Each Row" activity) to compare the extracted phone number and email with the data in the Data Table.

6. If matched then hit approved else reject.: Use an if activity for this and inside if use click activity to hit accept or reject

Hope it helps you out!

Hi @avinash.wankhede

=> Use read range workbook activity to read the excel and store in a datatable. Output - dt_excel.
=> Take the Use application/browser activity and indicate the login page.
=> Use check app state activity and indicate on the notification, in target appear give the click activity to click on the registration word.
=> Use get text activity to extract the email address and phone no from the webpage.
=> After get text activity, use for each row in datatable activity to iterate the each row in datatable. Output - Phonenum. Output - email
=> Insert if condition activity inside the for each and write the below condition.

- Condition -> CurrentRow("phone number column name").equals(Phone number varibale) and CurrentRow("email column name").equals(email variable)

=> In then block take click activity and indicate on the approved button element. After click activity give the break activity which breaks the loop.
=> In else block take click activity and indicate on the reject button element. After click activity give the break activity which breaks the loop.

Hope it helps!!

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