There is a list of candidates names in a web portal where we need to search each candidates name in the excel sheet and take the corresponding value from excel and seach in the web portal. If the value matches with the excel value, we need to write that its matched.
How to achieve this.
Hi @raju_alakuntla ,
Thanks for reaching out to UiPath Community.
You can try these following steps.
-Read Excel Data: Use the “Read Range” activity to read the candidates’ names and their corresponding values from the Excel sheet. Store this data in a DataTable.
-Open the Web Portal: Use the “Open Browser” activity to open the web portal where you need to search for candidate names.
-For Each Row in DataTable: Use a “For Each Row” activity to loop through each row in the DataTable that contains the candidate names and their corresponding values.
-Type Candidate Name in Web Portal: Inside the loop, use the “Type Into” activity to enter the candidate’s name in the search field of the web portal.
-Click Search or Trigger Search Action: Use an appropriate activity (e.g., “Click” or “Send Hotkey”) to trigger the search action in the web portal.
-Scrape Result from Web Portal: Use the “Data Scraping” or “Get Text” activity to extract the search result from the web portal. This may be the corresponding value or some identifier associated with the candidate’s name.
-Compare with Excel Value: Compare the extracted result from the web portal with the corresponding value from the Excel sheet using an “If” activity.
- Write Match Status: Inside the “If” activity, if a match is found, use a “Write Cell” activity to write “Matched” or a specific marker in the Excel sheet, indicating that the candidate name is matched.
-End Loop: Continue the loop for all candidate names in the DataTable.
-Close Web Portal: After all candidates have been processed, close the web portal using the “Close Tab” or “Close Application” activity.
Can I get to know how the data is there in the web portal?
Once you read the data table using read range activity you go to the portal using get text to extract the data from the web portal.
after that you can use condition like row(“name”).trim=GettextValu.
Note keep all the action inside the for each loop
Thanks, Let me know if you are facing any issues in this I will ready to help you at any time