When I use get outlook mail ,it shows that like picture says.
How to fix it?
Thank you.
@Zoeyu Did you tried restarting the outlook? Also, is this issue occurring for the first time?
Thanks for reply Rahul.
I will trying to reinstall outlook.
It’s always a problem since I use outlook activities.
I’ve reinstalled the outlook and it still have error.
Can you share the screenshot of the workflow and the propertieswhich have set for the outlook container qctivity andthe get outlook mail message.
Hi @Zoeyu
can you Update the mail activity package to the latest version (if you`re not using that already). The reason is that the latest version contains quite alot of fixed for various bugs.
Yes @Zoeyu
by the way was this working for you before and please check same account what you have mentioned in parameters of get outlook activity…is installed
How to do that?
How to do that?