Get outlook mail message folder name

Hello all, i am using get outlook mail message activity to get a particular mails ,in property panel i have already given folder name “inbox” but while running my bot i am getting error please help me
Screenshot 2024-08-28 114507


–>Make sure that the folder name you provided in the properties panel is exactly “Inbox” (case-sensitive). If you’re using a non-English version of Outlook, the folder name might differ.


Can you show the Outlook folder and how you configured in the activity?

Ashok :slight_smile:

Hi @Sruthi_Edulamudi

Follow below steps



If the folder name varies from machine to machine, then perhaps surround the “Get Outlook Mail Messages” within a Try/Catch, and make another activity with the “secondary” folder name.

Mail Messages.xaml (9.3 KB)


Also a thing to check:

The mail account. (the field just above the folder field).
Especially if you use shared mail accounts / team mailboxes added to the outlook client.

The account notation might be wrong, and you still get the folder error which is then misleading.

My outlook has a shared mailbox for the team ‘Customer Service’. This name is visible if I open outlook and select the mailbox.
The email adres is ‘

Now it depends on how you’ve added the mail account. Did you extend your own mailbox with this account, or, did you add this account separately?
One of the options requires the mail address filled out into account, the other the display name. (which belongs to which I don’t know by heart).

The tip: experiment with the account field using either the mailbox name or the mailbox email address, one of them should work. (and of course, as stated in previous posts, make sure the folders are correct and case sensitive: “Inbox\Subfolder”.

One last tip: Large mailboxes, especially shared folders, such as team mailboxes that are never cleaned, sometimes sync too slow. This results in the same error as above, but not consistent. One time it works, one time it doesn’t. To resolve this, in Outlook, switch off ‘cached exchange mode’.

Hi @Sruthi_Edulamudi

Please check below thread , also you can share some details here so that we can understand a bit more of the issue , so that we can help …

Screenshot 2024-08-30 102209
this is my folder name “Inbox” there is no subfolders


Try giving



thank you for your reply @Anil_G but issue not solved i tried but i am getting same error


Have you tried this?


yes @lrtetala but again getting same error

it’s not updated i think so


Is it a office laptop?

If so programmatic access is allowed?there might be it restrictions


No @Anil_G it’s my own laptop but could you please tell me how can i give access


Goto outlook → files → options → trust center → trust center settings → allow programmatic access

Can you try this please

Also can you try giving both account as email id in outlook and then the folder as inbox and check

I hope you are giving the values by opening advanced editor only



It’s Outlook App you are using not Office Outlook application. We got these options to automate email operations.

Go through each and use the suitable one.

Ashok :slight_smile:

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