The active element? As in the last element the robot has interacted with?
For example if the last action was a click, then output the element to an element object. Then you can pass that to the Get Attribute activity to retrieve the aaname
No element is active unless you have directed the robot to activate it surely.
So if you have used a click activity, the element clicked is the active element. If that was within an attach browser activity then the browser is the active element before the click is ‘activated’.
If you are looking for a running stream of all elements interacted with during a workflow without doing it manually, you may need to analyse logs or run it in debug mode for a more comprehensive output log.
I have a similar issue. I want to tab through some fields and then inspect each field to identify attributes about it so that the bot will know what field it is and what to populate. (It is a stubborn application that does not lend itself to the Click and Type Into activities.)