Get List Items Error on List Name data type

Good evening UiPath Forum,

I have setup a Microsoft Office 365 Scope and am trying to use the GET LIST ITEMS activity. The O365 scope accesses a Sharepoint list site via valid Application ID and Tenant ID with an Authentication Type of “Userid and Password”, all Services checked, Environment is “Global”, along with a valid username and password.

I cannot get the “List” value inputted properly. I use an Assign Activity just to highlight the issue. If I type the value in quotes, I get this. If I remove the quotes, it is looking for a variable or argument. How do I type the list name into the “List” field to get this activity to work? Thanks as always UiPath Forum.

Main.xaml: BC30311: Value of type ‘String’ cannot be converted to ‘Office365SharepointList’. The selected value is incompatible with the property type.


You first need to use Get list info activity and give the listname there …the output variable of that activity can be used in the list field of get list items

So the flow should be

  1. Get list info - give input as listname and get output as the list variable
  2. Pass the output list variable in the list firld of get list items activity

Hope this helps


Thanks again @Anil_G

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