Recieve no List items with MS 365 "Get List items"


I have a problem with getting List items.

I am using the MS 365 Scope and have UiPath as a registered App in Sharepoint.

( <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/siteselected Right=“FullControl” />)

With the get List … i do recieve the list object:


but the “Get List Items” Activity doesnt return listitems:


All i recieve is an empty datatable:


But I am pretty shure that i have selected the right list and that this list has >4k entries.

I am glad about any idea how to fix that problem

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Can you confirm if the column names you provided are the display names itself?

Also please run in debug and check if the list object retrieved is the correct one that you are looking for …you can check for list name and url

Alternately can you try using for each list item and check if you are getting data


Hi @Anil_G thanks for your suggestions.

Can you confirm if the column names you provided are the display names itself?

→ Yes if i have wrong column names, i get an exception

Also please run in debug and check if the list object retrieved is the correct one that you are looking for …you can check for list name and url

→ Did check id and it is the right list

Alternately can you try using for each list item and check if you are getting data

→ I tried it too and didnt get a result.

I also tried a different list in the same site… also no list items for me

I found the solution by myself… the permission was wrong. it should be /sitecollection not /siteselected

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