Get Emails from a public folder in outlook

I am trying to read emails from a public folder in outlook using uipath. I have seen a few threads but none provide a solution.
Screenshot of the public folder:

I have tried outlook activity, exchange activity and the one on uipath go which is for shared mailbox but none of them works.

Any help or comments please :slight_smile:

Hi @Imran_Khan,
Please check in solved topics, maybe something will be helpful for you:


@Pablito read through those, they are talking about a shared mailbox which is pretty straight to get the emails from. Here the emails are in a outlook public folder the path for which is “\Public Folders - imran.khan@XXX.XXX\All Public Folders\Test Folder1” no matter which activity i use uipath just keeps on saying “cannot find folder”.
I am thinking the last option might be to use the EWS api to read them out and pass it as arg’s to uipath.

It’s probably because shared mail folders for outlook have slightly different user rights and permissions.

Solved it…yay!!!
Using Get outlook mail message activity
Account will be “Public Folders - imran.khan@XXXX.XXX”, which is your username with public folders and a hypen in the front
MailFOlder will be “All Public Folders\Test Folder1”, which is the location of the folder.


Nice finding. Thank you very much for sharing this! Let me share your solution to other similar topics :slight_smile:

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