Get Asset as Dynamic

Hi all,

Can anyone help me please

How to make getAsset activity as Dynamic which i defined no.of Assets in orchestrator.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @saritha

what do you mean as “Dynamic”?

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Helo @saritha
if you are using ReFramework, You can add all the Asset names in the Config file and can use it by variable name of asset key name, Like Config(“Password”), It is a dictionary variable, It will store the data in it.
Refer to this video you will get some idea

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you have only mentioned no of assets , not names in your questions.
we need asset names as well to get the asset values in my understanding.

pls try:

  1. create a text asset(assetNames) with asset names separated with space

  2. create assets with those listed names

  3. from Studio:
    1. get asset - AssetNames → do a split with space on the output string and store it in an array

     2. for each on this array-> do get asset inside this loop 
