Get Account Already Exist Error When local Users Have Email Address

Get Account Already exist error when local Users have Mail address.

Issue Description: Get Account Already exist error when local users have email address.

Diagnostics Steps:

  1. Create a local account and add a email address in the management console.
  2. Assign this local account to the tenant
  3. Enable the active directory in the UiPath tenant.
  4. Add AD users with the same mail address as local User, and we will get the error "account already exists"


  1. To remove the account manually and add the AD user, or
  2. Run the below command to remove the local users email address from the Orchestrator
  • Update [identity].[AspNetUsers] set Email= ''
  • UPDATE dbo.Users SET EmailAddress = '' WHERE AuthenticationSource = 'local'


  1. Take the backup of the database before running the queries
  2. If the local username is same as AD account username again the same error is thrown, since the email address is investigated.