Get Account Already exist error when local Users have Mail address.
Issue Description: Get Account Already exist error when local users have email address.
Diagnostics Steps:
- Create a local account and add a email address in the management console.
- Assign this local account to the tenant
- Enable the active directory in the UiPath tenant.
- Add AD users with the same mail address as local User, and we will get the error "account already exists"
- To remove the account manually and add the AD user, or
- Run the below command to remove the local users email address from the Orchestrator
- Update [identity].[AspNetUsers] set Email= ''
- UPDATE dbo.Users SET EmailAddress = '' WHERE AuthenticationSource = 'local'
- Take the backup of the database before running the queries
- If the local username is same as AD account username again the same error is thrown, since the email address is investigated.